Saturday 28 April 2018

May Eve: Monday 30th April 2018

Different points in the turning year may be understood as corresponding with different stages of our lives – which may help us to make some sense of our life experiences, and to go onwards more cheerfully and trustingly.

May Eve is a festival of the Moon celebrating the passing of the last lingering traces of Winter, and the beauties and wonders of the Spring we have enjoyed and now leave behind as we enter into the Summertime. It is celebrated after dusk on 30th April, the eve of May Day.

The short responsive liturgy, below, [posted early so you have time to prepare, is appropriate for use by any group of people, and is particularly suitable for an outdoor gathering, if possible around a safely managed bonfire, but it can easily be adapted for use indoors around a table. If possible, sit in a circle. There is a dance included in the liturgy, so enough space needs to be allowed for this, and for the inclusion of people who have mobility difficulties. A steady drum beat or some music for the dance would be helpful. You will need a bonfire or a large candle, a small candle or night-light for each person present, and matches to light them. Please exercise common sense when lighting and using fires or candles, and do not allow any risks: stay safe! There may be one leader, or you can take it in turns to lead. Everyone is invited to join in saying the words in bold type.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

The Welcome and Recollection:
Welcome to you all, as we gather here
to celebrate the passing of Spring into Summer.
As dusk is the transition from day to night,
so this evening is a threshold in time:
       We step from the season of Spring
       into the beginning of Summer.
As we take this step, we recollect all the many steps we have taken:
       We recollect the changes we have been through in our own lives,
       which have ultimately brought us together here and now.
Times of transition, as we shift our balance
from one stepping stone to another, can be difficult:
       What has gone before is familiar;
       what is to come is unknown.
But from our conception onwards, we have everything we need:
       We have everything we need
       to enable us to make our unique journey
       into becoming who we are each born to be.
Here and now, as we stand in the doorway of Summer,
it is safe for us to let go of everything and anything that disrupts,
or holds us back, from our safe passage through life.

A short time of quiet is kept

The Thanksgiving:
Now we are ready to step forward, in perfect love and perfect trust,
lifting up our lives and our hopes for the future,
offering up our thanksgiving for the glory and abundance of our world,
and giving thanks that nothing in our universe lives in isolation:
       We give thanks!
We give thanks that we can rely on the Sun for warmth and light,
that we can rely on the atmosphere around our planet
to enable life as we know it;
and that we can rely on one another:
       We give thanks!
We give thanks that that we are able to step beyond self-interest,
to share with other people, to give and receive help in times of need,
and to form relationships of friendship and love.
And we give thanks for the passionate unions of men and women
which enable new life:
       We give thanks!
We give thanks for the delights and passions of our senses,
and we rejoice in the passions and talents that bring us music and art and science and literature, and all the ways our spirits are lifted and united:
       We give thanks!
We give thanks for the amazing variety of life on our planet,
for the intricacies of nature, and the beauty of all the creatures;
and we give thanks that every one of us is unique and equally valuable:
       We give thanks!

The Circle Dance:
Part 1: Holding hands with your neighbours, sidestep left for 8 steps, then sidestep right for 8 steps. Repeat once.
Part 2: Run four steps forwards, swinging arms up; release hands, and clap with hands high, then join hands again; take four steps backwards bringing arms back down. Repeat once.
Part 3: Repeat parts 1 & 2 once; then release your neighbours hands, and begin a chain, stepping or skipping, as you interweave all the way round the circle.
The Lighting of Fire:
As we step over the threshold from Spring to Summer,
so we light this fire:
       Token of the Sun that warms the earth,
       giving us light and life,
       and symbol of the light that guides each of us
       on our paths of life.

A bonfire or central candle is lit.
Everyone takes a small candle.
One person lights their candle from the bonfire/candle,
and then uses it to light the next person's candle,
and so on until everyone has a lighted candle.

Like the light of Sun, of fire, and of candle:
       May light guide us on the way of life, as we move
       together and separately through the season of Summer.

The Closing:
Now we break our circle, to enjoy the fire,
to feast together, to sing and perhaps to dance again!
And when we go to our homes, may we have hope in our hearts,
passion for justice in our minds,
and the blessings of love and life in our souls.
       Happy have we met, happy have we been,
       happy may we part, happy meet again!

The candles are now extinguished.
If a bonfire has been lit, please do not leave it unattended,
and ensure it has either burnt out or is put out with sand or soil.

Food for the Feast:
Ask everyone to bring something with them for a shared pot-luck picnic, whether you're in or out of doors.

Decorative details:
If you're celebrating of doors, then simply enjoy whatever nature is surrounding you with. At home, of course we'll be making a wreath of seasonal branches and greenery for our front door; there'll be a big jug of fresh flowers on the hearth; and for the table, I'll be making a ring of fresh flowers, with birds, bees, butterflies, and bugs (ornamental ones of course!) to surround a big candle, inspired by this beautiful creation: