Sunday 20 May 2018

Pentecost: Sunday 20th May 2018

Pentecost is a Christian festival, celebrated 49 days after Easter. It commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit among Jesus' followers, gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot (the Jewish Feast of Weeks) - the anniversary of the wheat harvest, and of the receiving of the Torah - instructions from God which offer a Way of Life for those who follow it.

The short responsive liturgy, below, is appropriate for use by any individual or group of people.
All the liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: in this instance, a 2010 liturgy from Wellsprings ( Please use the liturgy below freely, adapting it as suits your own context. Feedback is always gladly received.
If you use it as it is, you will need a large central candle, surrounded by a circle of ten small candles, and matches/tapers to light them. Please stay safe and do not leave the candles burning alone.

Image result for image of candle flames

Opening words:
In the beginning, earth was a formless void,
and the Spirit of God moved across the chaos of the waters,
and brooded under her wings the emerging Creation.
     Come, Holy Spirit,
     move across the chaos that we have created of your world;
     take us again to be under your wing.

A central large candle is lit

Litany of the Spirit:
God of all beginnings, God of all endings,
eternal light of God, warm breath of God,
melting touch of God, healing hand of God,
creative love of God: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

     Life-loving Spirit, breath of the universe,
     crafter of the heavens, star-kindling Spirit,
     sun-warming Spirit, moon-burnishing Spirit,
     bud-bursting Spirit, sap-surging Spirit: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

Painter of rainbows, architect of trees, artist of flowers,
midwife of all creatures, source of all life: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

     Spirit of justice, righteousness, power, integrity, mercy,
     Spirit of compassion, perfection, generosity, invitation,
     Spirit of solitude, gladness, exuberance,
     and hope without horizon: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

Light of our lives, supporter in our trials, strength in our weakness,
consolation in our grief, healer of wounds, quencher of thirst,
shelter in storms, tenderness in distress: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

     Safe sheltering of God, strong guarding of God,
     soft enfolding of God, liberating challenge of God,
     joyous song of God, promise of God,
     graciousness of God, laughter of God,
     sweet sorrow of God, deep wisdom of God, 
     still centre of God, strong arm of God, guidance of God:
     come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

Giver of joy, giver of comfort, giver of peace, giver of wisdom,
giver of right judgement, giver of good counsel, giver of strength,
giver of awe and wonder, giver of love: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

     Spirit of peace-making, breaker-down of walls of division,
     builder of bridges, loosener of chains,
     opener of new pathways, inspirer of creators,
     of seekers after truth, of workers for humanity,
     of children, of mystics: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

Wellspring of life, fresh spring of renewal,
clear stream of refreshment, wide ocean of love: come upon us.

A small candle is lit from the central candle

     Breath of God, as a whisper on the breeze,
     as a wind dancing in the tree-tops
     and blowing on the cliff tops,
     so we sense you: come upon us.

The final small candle is lit from the central candle
and a time of quiet is kept...

Closing words:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful,
and kindle in us the fire of your love.

     Send forth your Spirit,
     and the face of the Earth shall be renewed.

May your blessing be upon all who have suffered,
all in need of repentance, of turning their lives around,
all who seek to redress wrongs,
and ensure there are places of grace and sanctuary for everyone.

     May your blessing, your fire, your challenges, your comforts,
     be upon us: Amen.

Each person present may wish to take away one of the small candles
or, if safe to do so, they can be left to burn down.

Extinguish the central candle once the small ones have been taken
or have gone out.