Thursday 18 October 2018

Michaelmas - belated, sorry!

Michaelmas: 29th September

Michaelmas is the feast day of St. Michael and All Angels – those beings believed to protect humankind against evil, which was associated with darkness.
It is celebrated at the time when darker nights and shorter, colder days begin, and historically was the time to begin taking measures to ensure protection during the winter months, such as the tolling of the curfew bell, when household fires should be covered (couvre feu) for the night. But it is also a good time to strengthen our inner reserves, becoming more meditative and reflective, facing our fears with courage, recognising what threatens and prevents our peace, and considering how to be peaceful warriors, taking a stand for what we hold most dear.

The short liturgy, below, is appropriate for use by individuals or groups. If using it in a group, then everyone is invited to join in saying the responsive words in bold type. There may be one leader to say the biddings, or you can take it in turns. You will need a central candle, enough small candles for each person present, and matches to light them. Please exercise common sense when lighting candles, and ensure there is no risk of fire.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used:
I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them. 

Opening: A central candle is lit
The days are shorter, the nights are longer, the air is colder:
         We are coming into the darker time of the year.
Darkness is not of itself bad:
         Light is not of itself good.
Darkness and light are both outside us and inside us:
         All things need the balance of dark and light
         in order to become whole.
There is nothing to fear in the dark:
         Darkness is where hidden seeds lie unfolding,
         where ocean depths teem with unimagined species.
"Gardeners of the spirit know that without darkness nothing comes to birth, as without light nothing flowers." [May Sarton]
         Darkness is where we can rest and sleep and arise refreshed,
         where there are no distractions for our thoughts,
         and where the deeper parts of our selves lie hidden.

A few moments of quiet reflection are kept...

Michaelmas Prayer:
We admit that we have not been agents of goodness and grace:
         We have valued our own interests
         rather than the interests of others.
One person lights their individual candle from the central candle
We admit that we have not sought fullness of life for everyone:
         We have not fought so that others
         might be free, secure, and valued.
A second person lights their individual candle from the central candle
We admit our own fears and our lack of vision,
and we admit that we have not been peace makers:
         We have allowed people in need to be turned away.
         We have sought our own good
         rather than the good of our neighbours.
A third person lights their individual candle from the central candle
We admit to our yearnings for victory, rather than for peace,
and we admit that we have confused the absence of war
for the presence of peace:
         We have believed that one side must lose
         for the other to win.
         And we have forgotten to love others as we love our selves.
A fourth person lights their individual candle from the central candle
We admit that we have drawn a closed and selfish circle around our selves:
         We have kept peace for our selves, and left others in conflict; 
         we have kept safety for ourselves, and left others in danger.
Any remaining individual candles are now lit from the central candle,
and a few moments of quiet reflection are kept...
Here and now, may we forgive our selves and each other:
         Here and now, may we turn around and start anew.
         We release that which has passed, which now holds no power;
         We acknowledge our broken-ness and we claim our strength.
May we find the strength to seek peace inside and outside:
         May we find that which enables the balance of dark and light
         within and without our selves and others.
A few moments of quiet reflection are kept...

The Closing:
Be strong in love and in the strength of love.
Stand sure, wearing the belt of truth, the breastplate of grace,
the shield of hope, and the sword of peace:
         Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time,
         accepting hardships as the pathway to wholeness and peace,
         and trusting that all things shall be well. So let it be!

The candles are now extinguished

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