Saturday 20 January 2018

January 18th-25th: Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Octave (aka Week) of Prayer for Christian Unity is held every year, with a different theme each year, with resources and devotional material produced by different communities & countries each year.

Image result for week of prayer for christian unity

The prayer below is adapted from an order of service published by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. The original, together with other material for the Octave of Prayer, was produced in the Caribbean, a region marked by its
history of colonialism, slavery, and paternalistic missionary endeavour.

Today, as in other parts of the world, human trafficking and the abuse of human rights are still endemic, together with addictions to drugs and economic restrictions/debt, which are known to lead to violence, domestic abuse, and migration.

Praying for unity involves a recognition both of the brokenness of Christian relations and the effects of injustice in the world at large. The Caribbean Churches remind us that reconciliation demands repentance, reparation, and the healing of memories. They call the whole Church to be both sign and active agent of this

Come Holy Spirit: unite us in the bond of unity,
help us in our weakness, restore us as your children,
and free us from old habits of wrong which undermine people's dignity,
perpetuate poverty, separate us from each other,
and place limits on hope and healing.
     Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.

God of the Exodus, free us from all forms of slavery,
and everything that obscures people's dignity:
     Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of abundance, help us rise above our selfishness and greed,
and grant us the courage to be agents of justice:
     Lead us by your hand, that we may love.
God of love, empower us to love our neighbours, welcome strangers,
and grant us a new heart that we may be servants of your peace:
     Lead us by your hand, that we may show your light.
God of glory, help us to be faithful to our families and our communities,
and make us one in Christ:
     Lead us by your hand, that we may truly be your people.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us:
     to bring good news to the poor,
     to proclaim release to the captives,
     and recovery of sight to the blind,
     to let the oppressed go free,
     to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour. Amen.

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