Wednesday 17 January 2018

January 1st: Mary, the God-bearer

January 1st: The Solemnity of Mary Theotokos:

'Solemnity' does sound very solemn, doesn't it, but the term actually derives from the Old French word 'solemnite' meaning a celebration or a high festival: a day of rejoicing. And who should we rejoice in more than Mary, the mother of Jesus?! The 'title' given to her – Theotokos – derives from the Greek meaning 'bringing forth God', or 'God-bearer'.

Image result for Mary theotokos

Sydney Carter wrote a wonderful carol that really fits this festival:

Come, love, carolling along in me!
Come, love, carolling along in me!
All the while, wherever I may be,
I carry the Maker of the world in me.

Lifting and loving you that I am not,
though your body is my bone and blood,
I wonder at the Maker who can be
before I am and yet a child of me.

I lift and I carry you to Bethlehem,
I lift and I carry you to Galilee.
I'll carry you wherever I may be,
I carry the Maker of the world in me.

In the beginning you were there I know,
and you will carry me where'er I go,
Yet all the while, wherever I may be
I carry the Maker of the world in me.

Come, love, carolling along in me!
Come, love, carolling along in me!
All the while, wherever I may be,
I carry the Maker of the world in me.

If you don't know this carol, have a listen on YouTube - this is the only one I could find, and sadly it's not a woman singing!:

It'd be good to light a candle for the brave and loving woman Mary, and for all the mothers in your life, and perhaps say one or both of these prayers. What a way to start a happy new year!

Image result for pink candle flame

O Theotokos, bearer of God, it is truly right to bless thee:
thou the ever blessed, the most pure, the Mother of our God;
thou, more honourable than the cherubim,
more glorious than the seraphim,
who gave birth to God the Word:
thou, Mary, Theotokos, we magnify thee.
(Axion Estin)

Image result for rosary

Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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