Wednesday 17 January 2018

January 6th : Epiphany

January 6th: Epiphany

The feast of Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season. On this day the story, recorded in both the Syriac (or Arabic) Infancy Gospel and Matthew's Gospel, is often re-told, of the visit to the child Jesus by Magi. Magi have been described as 'the watchmen of the heavens'. They were the earliest known astronomers and navigators, as well as being the guardians and mediators of esoteric knowledge.

Image result for starry night sky 

The magi in the Christmas story had seen a new star rise, and believed it to be the sign of a child born king of the Jews, so they travelled to Jerusalem, the capital city, where Herod, the Roman king of Judea, frightened by this news, sent the magi on (on the advice of the chief priests and scribes) to Bethlehem, since there was a prophecy that from that village would come 'a ruler, who is to shepherd (God's) people, Israel'. The magi set out for Bethlehem, and the story tells that ahead of them went the star they had seen at its rising. When they saw the star appear to stop they entered a house and found the child Jesus with his mother Mary, paid homage, and offered gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh - symbols of sovereignty, divinity, and mortality.

Sometime after this, the story is told of how Joseph was told in a dream to escape to Egypt, and how he, Mary, and Jesus fled from King Herod's fearful wrath and his order to kill all boys under 2 years old: the Massacre of the Innocents. (Herod, the so-called 'Great', also murdered three of his own sons and his second wife Mariamne or Miriam). This is commemorated on Holy Innocents' Day (27th or 28th December), but I think of it today as well, not least since, here in France, the Holy Family's escape is represented by a small figurine, hidden in the Epiphany Cake (Galette de Rois). Whoever finds the figurine in their piece of cake is crowned king or queen for the day – and traditionally hosts either a party at Candlemas or the following year's Epiphany party. The cakes are sold encircled with a gold paper crown.

Image result for galette des rois and feve

Here at Karningul, we'll be starting our Epiphany Supper with the following responsive prayer:
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light:
       The light shines on the nations
       who live in the shadow of death.

Arise, shine, for the Light of the World is come!
       May hearts no longer fear, and may souls be set free.

Our world is full of violence and injustice, of tyranny and cruelty,
and many people are weak and vulnerable:
       But we are all creatures of the God who has no favourites.

We are entrusted with the care of each other:
       May we be inspired with compassion and charity
       to strive for healing, health, and wholeness.

God has entrusted us with the care of the earth and all its creatures:
       May we be inspired with humility and creativity
       to stand up against tyranny, cruelty, and mindless fear
       and to pray and work for justice and peace.

May we forgive our selves and each other for all that is past:
       May we embrace the future with confidence and hope;
       may we seek out and share knowledge and truth;
       and may we always rejoice in the light and love that surround us.

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