Friday 30 November 2018

A liturgy for any time

An ordinary liturgy of Creatureliness, Incarnation, and Immanence

The outline offered below is a template only.
Please incorporate any other elements, such as readings or music,
as appropriate to your gathering.
It is not, however, designed to be a eucharistic rite,
nor is it exclusively Christian, although in this version it honours Jesus.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always glad to hear from people who have used them.

Opening Responses and Call to Worship:
In the beginning, when it was very dark, God said: “Let there be light”       
       And there was light.
A candle on a central table is lit
In the beginning, when there were no forms, God spoke,
and all things came into being:
       Human-kind are the care-takers of creation.
In the beginning,
we knew that God walked with us in the garden that is our world:
       God walks here with us still.
All through history, we have known that God is involved in our lives:
       People wrote down their experiences, their doubts, and their faith.
An open copy of the Scriptures is placed on the table
We value what we learn from experience, from history, from scripture:
       and we value those who are prophets, poets, and teachers,
       of all faiths and cultures.
Their wisdom helps us as we try to follow the way that they taught us:
       the way of loving God, our neighbours, and our selves.

We are confident that God is with us always:
       God is here, God is now.
God is every where and every when:
       Let us worship God here and now and together.

Prayers of thanksgiving, penitence, and resolve:
Holy God, so far beyond us, so close to us
we thank you that you are always with us;
we thank you for the wonders and beauty
of the universe and of the world which is our home;
we thank you that you have entrusted your creation to our care:
       God, we thank you!
For your love for us, for providing for us,
for every thing and every one we learn from,
and for all the ways in which we can grow
and know at last what it means to be human:
       God, we thank you!
For showing us through Jesus that you call us all to you,
whoever we are, whatever we have thought and said and done,
and for challenging us to serve you and each other better:
       God, we thank you!
We are sorry that so often we forget you;
we are sorry that so often we forget our neighbours;
we are sorry that so often we remember only our selves:
       Forgive us.
We are sorry for the selfish things we have said and done and thought;
we are sorry for the loving things we have not said or done or thought.
       Forgive us,
       and help us to forgive our selves.
Help us to do better in the future,
and to become the best we can be:
       Help us to leave behind us
       everything we no longer need to carry.
       Turn our lives around, turn our vision outwards,
       and open our hearts to welcome friend and stranger.

Greetings and announcements:
If you do not know the person next or near to you, say hello to each other, and share your names, now.
Any important notices are now given, at the end of which the reading for the day is announced.

Scripture reading and exposition:

Discussion and reflection:
Time is allowed now for discussion on the theme of the scripture reading and the exposition of it. Questions can be asked – but don't necessarily expect pat answers! Then time is given for private reflection, especially to consider the impact of the message on your daily life, and perhaps privately to jot down some thoughts for future action.

Prayers for others:
We now take the opportunity to express to God, to each other, and to our selves, the things that concern us deeply, and which need change or resolution. We acknowledge that, while we resolve to do all we can, this cannot be accomplished by our efforts alone. We have faith that prayer will make a difference – to situations, to others, and to our selves.
Our prayers focus on three main areas of concern: topics in the international and national news, concerns in our community, and those individuals we know personally.
We bring to God our concerns for...
       May we be aware of your presence and your strong love
       working with us as we seek justice/peace/... in this situation

Act of unity and openness: (e.g. the Peace; the sharing of a Loving Cup.)

Closing Words:
Blessed are the paths on which we travel.
       Blessed are the bodies that carry us upon them.
Blessed are our hearts that have heard the calls to follow.
       Blessed are our minds that discern the ways.
Blessed are the gifts that we will receive by going.
       Blessed is the gift that each of us will become on our journey.

May we go forth in peace.
       May the Spirit of Love be a living flame before us,
       a guiding star above us, a firm path below us,
       and a gentle presence within us. Amen

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