Tuesday 27 November 2018

The Feast of Christ the King: Sunday 25th November 2018

The Feast of Christ the King was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, in response to the perceived growth of secularism. It has an eschatalogical dimension, pointing to a belief that, at the end of time, God's kingdom will be established in its fullness throughout the earth. The Pope's encyclical emphasised that Christ must reign in human minds, wills, hearts, and bodies, all being “instruments of justice unto God”.

The short liturgy, below, which may be used by any group of people, or by individuals, takes a broader base than the specifically Christian, namely, the commonality of being human. If using it in a group, then everyone is invited to join in saying the responsive words in bold type. There may be one leader to say the biddings, you can take it in turns, or just share it as best suits you.

The liturgies, celebrations, ceremonies, prayers, and reflections offered on this blog are the result of my thoughts, reflections, and experiences, woven together using my own words and sometimes adapting the words others have used: I am indebted to their wisdom. Please use these liturgies freely, adapting them as suits your own context. I am always pleased to hear from people who have used them.

Once upon a time,
there were creatures who had the capacity to adapt to a changing world:
       They evolved into the humans we are today.
Over a long time, characteristics developed that help define our species:
       Walking upright, harnessing fire, making tools and weapons,
       using symbols to communicate, cultivating plants,
       and domesticating animals.
Brain size increased and became more complex, diets changed,
bodies altered and grew larger for survival in heat and cold in migrations through what are now Africa, Europe, the Northern lands, and Asia:
       Language and social systems developed, so that together
       they could meet the daily challenges of their environment.
We, who are reading this, speaking this, sharing this, are all human:
       We are all human - not better than any other creature:
       we have simply developed differently.
And no individual human is intrinsically better than any other human:
       We are simply different.
We are all human, but do we, can we, live as humans should?
       Instead of living according to our common needs and interests,
       we identify our differences;
       our lives are encompassed by conflicts based on secondary issues.
We do not choose to wait for kingdom come.
Today is the time for a new way of life, a way of harmony
with other humans and with all created things, animal and plant and rock:
       Without this, we risk all of the life of our planet.
Today is the time to declare our unity as human beings beyond all our differences, to act together as humans in support of our shared priorities
from survival to fulfillment:
       Today is the time to affirm the simple fact of our human-ness
       as the bedrock reality of our lives.
Human unity is the basis for the world's healing:
       Human unity is the only way to re-create balance
       and to serve the needs of all people, all creatures,
       and the natural environment.
There is enough of every thing for every one – as long as we share:
       Nothing belongs to you or to me:
       it is ours, it is for all of us.
Only through radical sharing can justice and peace be known:
       Because to share is justice, to share is peace.
Not in some future, far off time, when the end of the world is even nearer, but here and now, we commit our selves to meeting one another
without judgement, but with aspirations to achieve better for everyone:
       Here and now,
       we commit our selves to respect our differences
       and to find not shared opinions, but common values;
       here and now we commit our selves to bring people together,
       so that, together, we can make a difference.
       Togetherness is the difference.
       May it be so.

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