Tuesday 27 November 2018

St Nicolas' Day: Thursday 6th December 2018

Nicolas was the Christian bishop of Myra (in Asia Minor, now Turkey) in the 4th century. Many miracles were attributed to him, and he had a reputation for caring for needy people and as a secret gift-giver; for example, he is said to have anonymously thrown three bags of gold through the window of a poor family's house, whose three daughters were unable to marry as they had no dowries. The story tells that the gifts landed in the girls' shoes or socks, placed by the fire to keep warm – hence our Christmas stockings! The historic figure of Saint Nicolas, Santa Klaas, is the origin of Santa Claus, with an emphasis on compassion and charity, rather than good or bad behaviour and writing lists of our wants.

If you wish to celebrate St. Nicolas' Day, you might like to use this responsive prayer. There may be one leader, or take it in turns, and everyone joins in the words in bold type:

Blessed be this feast day of Nicolas,
who shared his wealth among those he served who needed it most:
       May his example inspire us
       to be generous and creative with our gifts and our giving.
For the gift of each person here:
       we give thanks!
For the capacity to care for, and to share with, those in need:
       we give thanks!
For this holiday season of joy, hope, and peace:
       we give thanks!
May we be always mindful of the needs of others:
       and may we always rejoice
       in the abundance of goodness that surrounds us.

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